Let Us Consider the Ninth Amendment:

With regards to this so-called Wuhan Flu Pandemic, I have looked at society in the United States and I have looked at the Ninth Amendment to the Constitution, which reads as thus:

“The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”

I call this amendment a “catch all” amendment. If used logically and rationally it seems, to me, to be very powerful. I actually started using this amendment often:

*: I need to visit the local VA hospital about every six weeks, and while the VA system is a Federal Government facility, they force me to wear a mask/facial-jock-strap/face-diaper/whatever, BUT I attach a sign on the mask that reads: “VIOLATES NINTH AMENDMENT”

*: Everywhere else, I do not wear a mask, and if I am questioned, I either tell the other person that it violates the ninth amendment or I say that I have a medical condition/problem that prevents me from wearing a mask, and under HIPAA no one other than my doctor can even question me.

But, since I have a PhD (in Mathematics) my “official” title is Doctor, so in this situation, I am my own doctor.

Yes, I am a {butt}hole.

So I would like the two people who monitor this blog to consider using the ninth amendment argument, if you can.

My Political Position

1: I have never really been political until the 2016 election, hell, I don’t even watch the news AT ALL! But when I finally found out that Trump was running for president, I started to think a bit.

See, around 1990, I was a Donald Trump “fanboy”, after a fashion. At that time, me and my girlfriend took a trip to New York City to visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and our walk to the museum went right in front of Trump Tower. For me, that’s what did it for me to be a Donald Trump fanboy

2: Now, what is my political position?

I call myself a “small ‘l’ libertarian” {there is another word for the same thing, but I will leave it to the reader to find that other label}

That is I fully support the total, absolute, 100%, unashamed, Free Market with a severely restricted government.

By restricted government, it should have ONLY three uses:

A: The military ONLY to protect this country from “bad-countries”

B: The police ONLY to protect citizens from “bad-individuals”

C: The courts ONLY to enforce contracts between individuals

So… who would pay for these things?

Since there would be no enforced taxation, individuals would WILLINGLY pay these taxes. The wealthy individuals would gladly pay these taxes, as they would have the most to lose if something goes wrong.

Who would build the roads/schools/fire-departments/whatever?

We do not need the government to do a damn thing, if a thing were needed, it would be far cheaper to hire a contractor to build a road/school/fire-departments/whatever. We do not need any governmental interference in anything, as we are, as humans, pretty smart and we would just figure things out for ourselves.

And if there was a need to, say, prevent “bad things” from happening, I think we will all realize that there would be an organization to create a company to do that thing.

Yeah… it is unrealistic, and I think it will never come to pass in our current society…. yet.

I have NEVER voted for a Democrat/Leftist and I never will. I have voted for a Republican if there is a decent one to vote for. And in my opinion, Donald Trump is/was my president. I voted for him in 2016 and in 2020. We know that Trump won legitimately in the 2020 election, and that Joe Biteme is merely the Fraud-president.

Concerning Joe BiteMe’s 2024 state of the union address

I couldn’t watch the whole thing, as I was getting too upset at his {darn} lies. I guessed I watched about half of it before I just stopped watching it. I started yelling from the very beginning, because Joe BiteMe seems to have no idea about the Constitution of The United States of America.

The important thing that as written, the Constitution of The United States of America is the most anti-government document we have. It seems to me that most people have never learned that fact, or have forgotten that simple fact.

I have been a patriot since High School, in 1979, when I heard/watched Ronald Reagan when he was declaring that wanted be president. As soon as I graduated from High School, I enlisted in the Air Force. My Basic Training started on 23 August 1982, and after Basic training and Tech School, I trained and qualified on the: M-16 rifle, M-203 grenade launcher, M-60 machine gun, and the LAW rocket. Before I was 18 years old. I turned 18 after I arrived at my first assignment; Minot Air Force Base near Minot, North Dakota.

So, yeah I know about the Constitution, and I have read the Federalist Papers and the Anti-Federalist Papers. How many out there have done that?

EVERYTHING, and yes, I mean everything, that Joe BiteMe said was totally, absolutely, 100%, wrong. In I was literally yelling at all of his deluded lies. It was the hour at me getting upset at him before I just stopped watching it in disgust.

Donald Trump should have won the 2020 election, but the election was stolen by the Demoncrats {:)}

We need paper ballots, counted by hand, with no electronic interference what so ever.

Have yourself a wonderful day!

Yesterdays Cat “Event”

First off, you should understand that I am a “dog-person” at heart. BUT, in 1988 I betrayed my dog because my parental units forced me to get rid of my dog, and I had just been divorce-raped, that was the only option I had.

{{but three weeks after I had betrayed my dog, I saved enough money for rent and deposit in an apartment}}

Because of my betrayal, I didn’t deserve another dog.

In 1995, after moving a few times, I bought a cat. After my second divorce-rape in 2013, I had lived with my mother-unit {as my step-father had died and gone to hell} for 6 months until I got myself back on my feet, yet again. During that time, I had started feeding my cat {named “Mister Fluffy”} bacon or sausage when I was eating my breakfast. When I moved to North Dakota, I kept feeding Mister Fluffy bacon/sausage every breakfast. When my breakfast was cooked, I sat at my desk and Mister Fluffy would sit on the shelf immediately to my left shoulder, and I would feed him a little piece of bacon/sausage.

Mister Fluffy died in 2015 of extreme old age.

Until yesterday, I could not coax a single cat to eat bacon. Not LaNeige {currently dead}, SHODAN {currently dead}, Shatner, nor Rockford. But Yesterday, I gave Shatner a piece of bacon…. AND HE ATE IT!!!! This morning, I even put a piece of bacon (small for a human, but a mouthful for a cat) on a saucer, and he ate the bacon again.

OK OK OK…. I know it is a little thing, but for me, bacon is the holy grail. And I’m not talking about crispy/burnt bacon, I am talking about floppy/chewy bacon.

{PS: I never eat sausage links, only sausage patties}

So I guess Shatner has grown into his manhood/cathood/whatever.


It’s been a while.

I haven’t been on worpress for quite a while, I had, yet another, hard disk crash. Only one drive survived. Well…. the drives were old (I bought them in 2014) so the fault rests solely on me.

I think I should, perhaps, buy one new drive every year. I currently have four hard drives of 3TB each, two drives are ONLY backup drives, the other two are “system” drives. Yes, I backup EVERYTHING. But I forgot that a drive just sitting there on my physical desk, not connected to anything, will, eventually, scream and die.

And I just plain forgot about wordpress. (due to another disk crash a few years ago, I started to keep ALL of my passwords in a physical notebook. But the notebook is a bit of a mess with all the changes being made, and crossing out the old password entries.

So, perhaps I will start using wordpress for REASONS.

Concerning Trump and the Wall

I was washing dishes for myself and I was hot by a sudden realization, concerning The Wall.

Now, I have always thought that either Donald Trump himself, or one of his advisors, knows and understands “Game Theory”. As Trump is a successful businessman, it is very likely that Donald Trump actually understands Game Theory.

I know that Ann Coulter seems to be pissed off that Trump didn’t start building The Wall in his first one hundred days in his administration. However, I think I know what Trump is doing with the talk about the wall so late in his administration.

  1. If the Democrats win the 2020 election, NO WALL.
  2. If another Republican is elected in 2020, there may not be a wall either.
  3. If Trump wins the 2020 election, that wall will be built.

That is why Trump has pushed it so late in the game, because if he did push it too early, it would be finished, and there would be no strong reason to elect Trump in 2020.

Donald Trump is a very wise man, by my above explanation. He is also ruthless, and kind.

Sooooo….. what do you think?


Psychopaths Need Not Apply

I have a brief question for you. It is a real question, while you may not take it seriously.

While some people are willing to die for a {thing}, less people are willing to kill for a {thing}.

My question is, simply, what are you willing to kill for?

Please do not answer that question, and I would guess that you should tell nobody what you are willing to kill for, as I would imagine that most people would not like your answer. See, the answer to that question is a reflection of your values, and people would use that knowledge against you, in some cases.

Additionally, psychopaths need not answer that question. For I know a psychopath, a real live diagnosed psychopath. This person seems to be a nice person, but she is, essentially, the embodiment of evil. Really!

So, just answer my question for yourself, “what are you willing to kill for“?


The Aftermath of My Stroke

As I may have said earlier, the major effect of my stroke is that my “executive functions” are not functioning properly. Primarily it has affected my short-term memory. ALOT. I get distracted very easily, even with a span of time as little as a minute or less. Almost every day, when I am making breakfast, I open the refrigerator, and see something else…. and I forget why I was looking in the refrigerator, after a few seconds I finally remember why I was in the refrigerator in the first place.

You have no idea how many times I look through the grocery store to try to remember why I was there until I see what I there in the first place.

Yes, I make lists. And I forget the list often.

In addition to my “executive functions”, I have right-side weakness, I have a blood clot in  my right wrist, the result of which my right hand is always cold, even in the heat of summer.

The vision in my left eye is a bit… “wonky”. My ophthalmologist tells me that my retina is supposed to be a smooth surface, however in my case it is no longer smooth, and it look “sort of like” it was once smooth, but it has been “wrinkled”… all because of my stroke.

So, yes, I am a bit of a wreck.

One effect of my stroke is that my wife divorced me because I am unable to work. I don’t have trouble being hired, but I generally get fired after a few days. Apparently, most businesses cannot really deal with me and my… behavior…. my inhibitions are broken.

But, I am happy. I am free from my (ex-)wife, I have enough money to live on, and, overall, life is good for me.


How Did Trump Win?

First off, I voted for Donald Trump on 8 November 2016.

This was the first time I had voted since 1997. I stopped voting after 1997 because I could no longer trust politicians anymore. However, since Donald Trump is obviously not a politician, I thought that he might be a decent president.

Additionally, I have never liked Hillary Clinton.

The delicious thing is that Clinton had been working for decades to be president, at least since the 1980s. She had failed to get through the primaries in 2008, having lost the primaries to Barack Obama. And she blew it in the general election a few weeks ago to the least likely candidate in the world. Donald Trump.

Now, I didn’t vote against Clinton as much as I had voted for Trump. However it really doesn’t matter why I voted for Trump. What matters is that many people had voted for Trump. And why.

It is a tale of the “elite” and “joe-bag-of-donuts-america”.

The “elite” are mostly the Democratic party, the Republican party, Social Justice Warriors, Mainstream Media, and Social Media.

“Joe-bag-of-donuts-america” are the blue-collar workers who work as garbage men, waitresses, construction workers, hair dressers, fishermen, policemen, firemen, enlisted military, the guy who fixes your car when it needs to be fixed. These are the people who do the actual, physical, manual, labor of every-day work. We are the people who make the world work. If we vanish from the face of the world, we would be truly fucked.

I am an over-educated “joe-bag-of-donuts-american”. I served in the military, I did manual labor, making stainless steel tubing for a company, I “pulled green-chain in Oregon, I worked as a security guard to pay for university. And although I am over-educated, I will always be “joe-bag-of-donuts-america”.

The problem is that the “elite” pretty well ignores “joe-bag-of-donuts-america”. The “elite” claims that they care about us, but they don’t, and we know that. They use us, abuse us, lie to us, and every four years, they pay attention to us until the election is over, wherein they shit on us for the next four years.

Trump spoke to “joe-bag-of-donuts-america”, Trump seems to understand “joe-bag-of-donuts-america”, so “joe-bag-of-donuts-america” voted for Trump.

And for the first time, I was up on 8 November 2016 to keep track of the election. Now, I thought Trump would win, and when Florida turned red, I knew it would probably happen, and when Pennsylvania turned red, I went to sleep, because although it wasn’t set in stone, but I was extremely convinced that Trump would win.

The next day was a happy day, for me.

Apparently, many, if not all, of the Clinton supporters were really really really pissed.

The thing is, I was always vocal that I supported Trump, I even said as such in “church“, and they, all Clinton supporters, strongly disagreed that Trump even had the slightest chance of winning. Heh!

So, that is why Trump won. The “elite” really didn’t even acknowledge the existence of “joe-bag-of-donuts-america”, and they still do not even acknowledge their existence.

Too bad, we exist, we are here, we surround you, but you do not see us, but we keep your lives livable. Without us, you would probably die.


Crap! I had had some computer problems recently

Hello, all:

I am sorry, I have had some computer problems over the past few weeks/months.

My motherboard…. well, screamed and died. I replaced the motherboard, upgraded my processor, because I wanted to, upgraded my graphics board, because I wanted to.

But I couldn’t get an Internet connection, I finally diagnosed that the problem was my NIC (Network Interface Card), so I upgraded it, because the newer one supported Linux, I will call that an upgrade.

And then politics got interesting.

Of course, I voted for Donald Trump, obviously.

Well, I am back, and perhaps I will be posting on this blog more frequently…. maybe….

Thank you for your time and attention, and have a good day!